Encephalopathy using GCS

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Encephalopathy Definition: Global cerebral dysfunction in the absence of structural brain disease.

Types of Encephalopathy include:

Septic Encephalopathy Metabolic Encephalopathy
Toxic Encephalopathy Hypertensive Encephalopathy
Hepatic Encephalopathy with/without coma Anoxic Encephalopathy
Hypoglycemic Encephalopathy Traumatic Encephalopathy
  • AMS caused by a medical diagnosis is encephalopathy.
  • Consider adding GCS scores to your documentation.
    • Be sure to document the individual GCS scores as there are corresponding ICD-10 codes for the individual scores which demonstrate a high level of illness (when appropriate)
    • There are ICD-10 codes for the total score, however they do not show the same level of illness on paper as the individual scores when the individual scores are abnormal
    • Please note that EMT and/or nursing documentation of the GCS is acceptable for coding per Coding Clinic

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