Provider documentation must be precise to avoid missing valid diagnoses.
Ineffective Documentation:
- Problem list cannot be used for coding [unless brought into the assessment and plan]
- Differential diagnoses cannot be used by coding
- Documenting “empirical treatment” is ineffective documentation
- Pneumonia will not be coded if “empirically treating pneumonia” is documented
Effective Documentation:
- Uncertain diagnoses can be coded if the condition remains uncertain at the time of discharge
- Documented as “suspected, likely, probable, consistent with, or compatible with” in the discharge summary will allow coding to capture
- “Suspected acute tubular necrosis”
- Will code to ATN if documented on the DC summary
- “Suspected acute tubular necrosis”
- Documented as “suspected, likely, probable, consistent with, or compatible with” in the discharge summary will allow coding to capture
Best Practice Documentation:
- Clinical diagnoses can be captured using “evidence of” when a diagnosis is supported by the patient’s clinical picture, symptomology and response to treatment.
- “Evidence of”
- Coding rules treat as a confirmed diagnosis
- Providers are encouraged to use the phrase “evidence of” when making a clinical diagnosis or when the etiology cannot be definitively established
- “Evidence of sepsis”
- Will code to sepsis
- “Evidence of pseudomonas pneumonia, therefore, will treat with Zosyn”
- Will code to pseudomonas pneumonia
- “Evidence of stroke, therefore, will consult Neurology”
- Will code to stroke
- “Evidence of sepsis”
- “Evidence of”
Download the complete tip, Clinical Language and Coding Rules.